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Newborn Pig
Photo Shoot

As seen on Good Morning America and other news and media outlets.

Dynamite is a show pig from Hamilton Show Pigs in Washington, OK. 


Dynamite the 2 week old pig was a session that took place in September 2020 and took the world by storm After posting her session on Facebook, it went viral and within just a few days the photos had been seen around the world with hundreds of thousands of views. 


The piglet photo session happened after I saw a photo of my friend, Connie Hamilton's show pigs on Facebook. I reached out and suggested we do a "newborn" type shoot with the baby pig and she loved the idea! 


To get Dynamite ready for her debut, she got a bath and I used all of my newborn photography "tricks" to get her to settle. I literally patted and shooshed her until she fell asleep in my arms. 


I am beyond blessed to have been able to see these photos go viral and bring happiness to others! 


For more information about this session or for rights to use the images, contact Cashlie White at

View all of the baby pig photos below! 

Dynamite just turned ONE
and we Celebrated!

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